Monday 7 April 2014

Some ideas for the work and presentation to the class

These are only some ideas. You can do the work you want as long as it has relation to physical activities or your body. These are some possibilities:

- Healthy diet or nutrition. This topic is very large, but you can talk about some important tips to make your diet healthier, or important facts for teenagers or what you should eat when doing sports.


- Daily habits to keep your back healthy. Safe ways to sit down, sleep, take heavy weights or carry your school bag are important facts you should know to keep your back healthy. Even more important is for you who are growing up a lot now. You can photograph yourselves doing daily activities wrongly and correctly.

- Myths related to Physical Activities. Some statements are given as truth because someone important told it in the past and too many people believed it, but some studies have demonstrated that they are false. For instance, it is not true that sweating more when exercising results in more weight loss or that drinking water with sugar reduces the pain after heavy exercises.


- Traditional games played in your zone or area for a very long time.


- Sports that we have not done in class like swimming or athletics (jumping events, relay races...) and so on.

- Exercises to prevent injuries in sports or first aids after sports injuries.
- Rhythmic activities and dances.


If you have any questions related to the topic or anything else, ask you teacher. Do not wait to the last day. You can also see what are the issues which you will be assessed in another entry in this blog.

Enjoy the process of learning about something that really interests you.

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